
What's the appropriate adjective?

1. The question I rasied:

Dear teachers,

Here's a situation:

Jack always borrows money from his girlfriend and gets drunk, but his girlfriend

does love him so much. After lots of communications, she gives up. However,

she still stays with Jack, the not qualified boyfriend. What adjective can i use to

express his girlfriend's situation?

2. The answer the BBC teacher gave:

There is no single adjective that describes this situation. You may choose any that fits the situation

My suggeations:

She is stupid.

She is delusional.

She is in denial.

She is hopeless.

She is irresponsible.

She is unrequited.

She is unappreciated.

3. My comment :

In fact, the adjective I want IN Chinese is 無奈. I knew that there is not a corresponding word

in English. So, after I saw the teacher's suggestions, I checked up the dictionary to confirm if there was

another function or meaning of a word. However, I still had doubt. Is "unappreciated" and "irresponsible"

could be used in this kind of situation? In addition, I was so so surprised "be in denial". At first, I thought

the phrase meant being be refuese; however,surprisingly, it turnted out to mean someone doesn't accept 

the truth about somebody she/he loves. I got the information by searching the Internet. From here, I could

see the progress I made  in CALL! Definitely, I will post questions when I get confused!


The Reflection on Jobs Steve’s Talk

The Reflection on Jobs Steve’s Talk

    It is a very inspiring talk for every people, not only for students who are about to graduate. “You’ve got to find what you love.” Jobs says. Working in a cram school, whenever students share worries or lives with me, I always ask them, “What is your dream?” “No!” this is the most common response I get. I look at their face and sincerely tell them, “No, you must have a dream. Everyone must live with a dream.” I encourage them to think something not related to the school, the homework and the cram school. Once I spent a long time talking to a boy who felt tired in the cram school. I pacified him and told him to hold on one day. It was his choice to go to the cram school so he must be responsible. Finally, I asked him to listen to his heart and to have a conversation with his inner to figure out what on the earth he really desired. A dream is like a motivation in one’s life; it motivates one to work hard.

    Jobs mentioned that he was kicked out by the company he brought up. I somehow understood the feeling    because I’ve seen a novel, Falling out of Fashion, in which the protagonist, Jane, was finally fired by the group of Jill, a magazine. The visions of the future of hers and her supervisors’ diverged greatly, so she left Jill. She did have a hard time struggling with the past; however, it did not take her too long to restart her career, starting a new magazine with her old friends. I was very touched by her insistence and the enthusiasm for the magazine. Just like Jobs, he did not give up his dream because he clearly knew what loved. He found his half after he left Apple. So did Jane. After she got fired, she pondered what she had done in the past and self-introspected. She found out that she shall spend more time with her husband who was never mad at her because of her busy life. Ant then, she finally got pregnant which was the life she had never thought.

    Finally, I do love the quotation, “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” Stay hungry, and you can understand how delicious the food is. Stay foolish and you will always be brave to strive for something you want.


ESL Podcast 538 – Finding the Perfect Gift

It is a dialogue between Fay and Pablo

Fay has to buy a present for hers mother but she doesn't know what she should choose
Pablo suggests that she can give her a gift certificate or a gift card, yet Fay doen't liek the idea.
She thinks that her mother would think that she didn't put any thought.
However, Pablo says that it is the thought that counts.
Fay is worried that a wrong gift would disappoint her mother.
Finally, Pablo gives her piece of advice: Buy her a gift she can return.

Learning Guide

1) knock someone's socks off=to impress someone very much in an unexpected way
2) a gift certificate = a piece of paper you buy from at a store and the reciever can use it to buy things
3) a gift card = similar to gift certificate, looks like a credit card
4) rack someone's brain = spend lots of time thinking about something difficult to solve
5) to get carried away = to do too much of something
6) the thought that counts = even if the person doesn't like the gift, he will appreciate the thought behind the gift
7) boggle someone's mind = confuse someone


The Difference between Big & Large

In genreal, both of the two words are used to describe something concrete.
However, they are slightly different.

BIG: It can describe concretely in size and abstractly in something important. For instance, "Tonight is going to be a big night for him." which implys that the night is important to him. Also, it sometimes makes readers
confused. " He is a big man." which not only means that he is physically big but also means he is important.

LARGE: It can also abstractly and concretely describe in size and volume. For instance, 1) a large house 2) a large geographical area 3) a large salary, they are touchable and conconcrete.


hello,this is Ruby who lacked of sleep

Good morning, everyone! Actually, I'm in duty now. My so-and-so boss hasn't come yet, so I am so eager
to finish the first post! Can you see how eager I am? No? Alright, it's ok if you don't see that. What else can I say...hmm... Oh,yes, I didn't get a good sleep last night and I ascribed that to the TV show called "Amazing World" and the nervousness of the coming work. What on the earth is "Amazing World" ? Haha! Is is不可思議的世界. I tossed and turned millions of times in the night and i was awaken by my roommates who got home late. I wanted to sleep but my body just wouldn't meet my need. There's one thing I can be so sure is that I fear the darkness and I worry so much about my work. In fact, work is not the only thing I feel uneasy.
Something makes me feel anxious for and it does form a turbulence in my mind.