
hello,this is Ruby who lacked of sleep

Good morning, everyone! Actually, I'm in duty now. My so-and-so boss hasn't come yet, so I am so eager
to finish the first post! Can you see how eager I am? No? Alright, it's ok if you don't see that. What else can I say...hmm... Oh,yes, I didn't get a good sleep last night and I ascribed that to the TV show called "Amazing World" and the nervousness of the coming work. What on the earth is "Amazing World" ? Haha! Is is不可思議的世界. I tossed and turned millions of times in the night and i was awaken by my roommates who got home late. I wanted to sleep but my body just wouldn't meet my need. There's one thing I can be so sure is that I fear the darkness and I worry so much about my work. In fact, work is not the only thing I feel uneasy.
Something makes me feel anxious for and it does form a turbulence in my mind.


  1. I cannot understand why you watch the scary TV program Amazing World because I am the one who is easy to have nightmare if I watch that kind of program.

  2. So it might be a chance for us to start watching Mao Gu Song Zhang!
    I really miss those scary good old days in the dorm, being frightened with you hahaha

  3. omg, what happened to my original comment!?


  4. I understand the feel of being anxious for something. Also, I wouldn't never have hurt you if I have thorns XD

  5. seriously? really?? Amazing World??you are not the fan of 秦偉,are you??XD
