
What's the appropriate adjective?

1. The question I rasied:

Dear teachers,

Here's a situation:

Jack always borrows money from his girlfriend and gets drunk, but his girlfriend

does love him so much. After lots of communications, she gives up. However,

she still stays with Jack, the not qualified boyfriend. What adjective can i use to

express his girlfriend's situation?

2. The answer the BBC teacher gave:

There is no single adjective that describes this situation. You may choose any that fits the situation

My suggeations:

She is stupid.

She is delusional.

She is in denial.

She is hopeless.

She is irresponsible.

She is unrequited.

She is unappreciated.

3. My comment :

In fact, the adjective I want IN Chinese is 無奈. I knew that there is not a corresponding word

in English. So, after I saw the teacher's suggestions, I checked up the dictionary to confirm if there was

another function or meaning of a word. However, I still had doubt. Is "unappreciated" and "irresponsible"

could be used in this kind of situation? In addition, I was so so surprised "be in denial". At first, I thought

the phrase meant being be refuese; however,surprisingly, it turnted out to mean someone doesn't accept 

the truth about somebody she/he loves. I got the information by searching the Internet. From here, I could

see the progress I made  in CALL! Definitely, I will post questions when I get confused!